Yearly Archives: 2013

An Officer and a Gentleman

RED OAK, TX — Duty, honor and country — these three powerful words were indelibly marked into America’s consciousness when spoken by General Douglas MacArthur in his famous 1962 farewell speech given to the Corps of Cadets at West Point. These words usually evoke images of present and former members of our nation’s armed […]

Beauty in Pain

MIDLOTHIAN, TX — Out of tremendous pain, great beauty can flow. Nicole Gleason grapples with life’s sometimes turbulent changes by putting her emotions into poetry. An excerpt from her poem “Bittersweet Rose” looks at the juxtaposition of beauty and pain in one object: Tearing the pedals/ Of an innocent rose/“He loves me, He loves […]

Economy of Charity

MANSFIELD, TX — One routine question from many high school students is: How do I earn extra credit? Completing an extra assignment or answering a particularly difficult question on a test typically earns students a few extra points to bump up a grade. But for Mike Gallaher and his dual credit program classes, the […]

Glass Stories

GRANBURY, TX — Passion for art is evident in her eyes when Cynthia James works or talks about art — her love for textures, shapes and colors flickers, growing into a flame. Different shapes and sizes appear throughout her work, at times a very distinct form, yet in other instances seemingly random. “Sometimes I […]

For What It’s Worth

ENNIS, TX — An antiques connoisseur who moved to Ennis five years ago may miss old haunts back in North Carolina, but he’s found the Texas market for period furniture and fine art as exciting as anywhere else in the country. “Relocating is always an adjustment, but I’m very happy here now, and the […]

Celebration of Life

CORSICANA, TX — Maybe it was Ruby Williams’ birthplace that set her life of service in motion. Born in the Navarro County farming community of Providence, Ruby has always felt a duty to work hard in her church, for her family and for her community. Hard work was nothing new for her tenant farming […]

Peaceful Strides

BURLESON, TX — Jessica Prickett began her running career in middle school. “I was not a great runner at the time,” she said. “No one knew about me, but I kind of liked running.” She stuck with it, and by her freshman year she was coming into her own, running on the varsity team […]

Investing Together

WEATHERFORD, TX — She’s better known as Volunteer Amy, the stay-at-home mom who never stays home. Amy Mercer, along with her husband, George, are teaching their children to serve the community. It all started when their 12-year-old, Macy Jo, was only 2. “We did not have two nickels to rub together, and I didn’t […]

A Teacher’s Transformation

WAXAHACHIE, TX — Carolyn Stroud enjoyed a passionate 25-year career in education, teaching reading and language arts. Now retired, her love for reading is reflected during the annual Drop Everything and Read Day celebration, when she dresses up as the fictional character named Miss Tizzy, and reads to the children. This year marked the […]

Game On

CEDAR HILL, TX — Being a standout high school athlete can prove difficult for some young superstars to handle. The pressure of winning, grueling training schedules, maintaining grades and still managing to have some type of social life can be challenging. But some are successful at this juggling act — and accomplish even more. […]