Now Magazines

Team Spirit

Heather had no idea that running late for work one day would actually reap lifelong benefits. As she rushed past a neighbor and his friend working on a car, she returned a quick and fleeting greeting, not stopping to make eye contact or any other causal exchanges. Not turned off, but actually intrigued, AJ […]

Fundraiser for Fun

Have you or your children ever ridden a horse, a bike, traveled down a zip line, gone fishing or climbed a rock wall? Well, there are children from Duncanville and the surrounding areas, who are physically challenged that would never have the opportunity to do any of these things except for the sponsorship of […]

Setting Strategies

Have you ever met someone, and when they stepped into the room, you knew they were present? There are some who are recognized by their quiet demeanor and few words, yet when they speak, they speak volumes into a circumstance. This is the type of individual John Wayne characterized in The Quiet Man. When […]

A Noble Calling

“Our good works are like stones cast into the pool of time; though the stones themselves may disappear, their ripples extend to eternity.” The author of this quote is unknown. However, the sentiments are familiar and in abundant supply in Midlothian. All over this community there are volunteers ready, waiting to make life better […]

Saying Yes

Social media plays a significant role in the creative life of Tiffany Carlen. Every time she conquers a fear and says, “Yes!” to an opportunity taking her outside of her comfort zone, she posts for all her friends to see her step of faith. For instance, last year she was panicked when she was […]

Play Ball

Smack! It’s the child’s first hit of the baseball season. The crowd cheers, “Run!” The child takes off to first base as the opposing team moves to make the play. This is a typical scene from America’s favorite pastime, but for those taking the field with the Miracle League of Parker County, the game […]

Flying High

Dawn is just rising on the eastern horizon, and from a distance a slight roar is increasing in volume as seconds are counted. Suddenly, prop planes appear flying in formation. No, it’s not one of those post WWII black and white movies about that period. On May 14, 2016, WWII vintage aircraft will again […]