
Yesteryear and Today’s Fashion

Honored by her husband, Daniel, with beautiful homes and jewelry, Lucy Cogdell loved wearing about $25,000 in jewels daily, as she strolled the streets of Granbury in the years before and after the turn of the 20th century. She received guests in her parlor, which was elaborately decorated in gold. This month Lucy, along […]

Life-size Dollhouse

Imagine a Victorian-style dollhouse, filled with dolls. Many little girls dream of receiving such an extravagant gift. Few ever consider making that dream life-size. Barbara Williams dreamed of filling a house with dolls. She joined forces with her sister, Jane Sharp, and Jane’s best friend, Kathy White, to realize their dream. Jane and Barbara […]

Turning the Pages

Morgan Lindsey, RN, is the mother of Levi, a 1-year-old boy born at Lake Granbury Medical Center. Before Levi came into the world, Morgan worked in the obstetrics and gynecology unit as one of LGMC’s nurses. With her husband, Eric, Morgan planned for a healthy family — and their vision involved books. They each […]

Worlds within Worlds

Tucked away in her writing studio, Audrey Fahlberg enjoys a calm and colorful world of her own, as she cocoons inside her cottage at Lakestone Terrace. There’s a world of stories waiting in Audrey’s heart. Hoping to write about her travels in a way that brings to life another world, one that no longer […]

A Good Trip

For Tommy Brisco, every moment is about quality. From his 81-year vantage point, he has no regrets. “If my life ended tomorrow,” he said, “it’s been a good trip.” Making several drives each week on behalf of people who receive Meals on Wheels, Tommy sees roadrunners almost every day. As he travels, musing on […]

Pro-Like Dedication

The greens are fast today on the 18-hole course. The mature trees and tall pampas grass framing each fairway sway with every gust of wind. The water hazards are a delight for the wildlife that find their way to the golf course at the Granbury Country Club. Tucker Allen walks up to the ball […]

WAXAHACHIE, TX — Ralph Cooke has long been a hidden treasure in Waxahachie. His friend, Brown Street Church of Christ elder Glenn Perryman, believes it is time for that to change. “Ralph recently celebrated his 90th birthday,” Glenn said. “He’s a true craftsman and artist whose work has rarely been seen beyond his family and […]

Spark in the Classroom

GRANBURY, TX — Janel Morris has a reputation of going above and beyond for her physics students at Granbury High School. Physics is the study of interactions between matter and energy in the universe. The subject can be intimidating, but Janel does more than what is expected to help students achieve a higher level of […]

Sharing Gifts

GRANBURY, TX — Ben and Margret Fields have never been hungry. Still, their hearts go out to people who are. So the Fields grow fields of fresh produce and give the harvest away to food banks. They also give away vehicles — and counseling. Margret, a licensed professional counselor for over 10 years, is currently […]