Monthly Archives: March 2023

Irish Beer Bread

Provided by Julie Garro for the March 2011 issue of MansfieldNOW Magazine. 3 cups self-rising flour  1/2 cup sugar  1/2 cup cheddar cheese, finely shredded 1 12-oz. beer (Light beer gives a lighter texture and flavor, dark beer will create a  heavier texture with full beer flavor.) 4 Tbsp. butter, melted Spray a loaf […]

Bread Pudding

Provided by Joe and Kelly Hartman for the August 2013 issue of North Ellis Co.NOW Magazine. Pudding: 11 slices toasted bread 1 cup white sugar 1 13-oz. can Pet evaporated milk 2 cups whole milk 1 tsp. real vanilla 5 egg yolks (separate egg white for meringue) 1/3 cup butter, melted Sprinkle of cinnamon […]

Wanda’s Scalloped Potatoes

Provided by Traci Child for the October 2018 issue of North Ellis Co.NOW Magazine. 6 medium potatoes, cubed and cooked Salt and pepper, to taste 2 Tbsp. butter 4 green onions, chopped 1 8-oz. carton sour cream 1 8-oz. carton heavy whipping cream 2 cups cheddar cheese, grated Preheat oven to 375 F. Drain […]

Ashley Bowman, Huffman Real Estate

Ashley Bowman was born and raised in Weatherford. After graduating college with a pre-med degree, she received a position in a commercial real estate office. “I grew up fast, taking care of my siblings,” she divulged. “I’ve always had a ‘put others before yourself’ attitude and felt this job would be an opportunity to […]