Travel – Road Trip Tips – ON THE ROAD Again

The open road. Hours spent driving along the winding paths of an unfamiliar land. Families trying to find a fun way to pass the time as beautiful landscapes disappear in the background. Summer is the time to create unforgettable road trips with family and friends, and these tips will help make these adventures a smooth ride.


In today’s world, an actual paper road map is rarely considered necessary. Most people rely on navigation and map apps on their phones to direct them to their destinations. A few trustworthy map apps include Google Maps, Apple Maps and Waze.

However, what if internet service is spotty? How will drivers know where to go? Having a backup Rand McNally Road Atlas might be the answer. Or travelers can stop and ask for directions. Preferably, plan the route before heading out on a road trip, so there aren’t any directional surprises.


While traveling by car for a number of hours, it is always a treat to have snacks readily available. When snacks are easily accessible to hungry travelers, it not only curbs their appetites, but it also cuts down on unnecessary stops, ultimately saving time on the trip.

A plastic snack tackle box or plastic organizer box with dividers makes the perfect carrier for bite-size snacks. A separate snack can be added to each section: Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers, pretzels, almonds, M&M’s, raisins, chocolate-covered peanuts, Goldfish Crackers, bite-size beef jerky, SKITTLES, banana chips, etc. A small cooler of iced drinks including bottled water and juice boxes will quench the thirst of travelers.


Any road trip might begin to become monotonous as travelers journey through city after city. To pass the time, road trippers can play classic games such as I Spy, in which a traveler picks an item of a certain color, and the others must guess it correctly. The License Plate Game keeps travelers on the lookout for vehicles originating from other states. Travelers can challenge others to Name That Tune to determine what song is playing on the radio, or they can listen to an audiobook or podcast.

Tablets and phones offer free gaming apps that do not require internet access, just in case you are driving through an area with bad reception. Movies can also be downloaded to devices or viewed from DVD players in the vehicle. Just do not forget the charger! And travelers can always just sit back and relax while reading a book or enjoying the scenery.


A quick nap is an added bonus to pass the time while traveling. Children and teenagers can cozy up with their favorite pillows and blankets. Co-pilots can bring along those comfy items, too, or grab a neck pillow from the store.

Drivers can pull over and rest when tired. A rest stop, park or gas station provides the perfect place to step out of the car for a few minutes until the driver is fully awake and able to resume the trip.


The destination is the ultimate goal of any road trip. Travelers should have at least a few things in mind to pursue once they arrive. Vacations do not have to be planned out by the minute, but it is nice to arrange a couple of places to visit — museums, restaurants, amusement parks, excursions, etc.

Of course, the destination will provide unforgettable experiences, but the road trip is an adventure in itself. Enjoy every minute of it.

Written by Amber D. Browne