Looking for a quick, easy craft this month? Easy enough for children, these adorable pom-pom love monsters make a fantastic, inexpensive gift to show love. Even grown-up kids can’t resist the cuteness of these miniature monsters. And the best part, by changing colors and shapes, imagine what you can do for the rest of the year!

A perfect craft for a cold winter day, consider experimenting with various colors. For other holidays, get creative with the ear shapes and colors used. This also can use leftover yarn from other projects, keeping the cost even lower.

Ideas for various months include shamrock ears and green yarn in March, flower ears and bright colors for spring. Red, white, and blue work for May and July. You might incorporate miniature hats for Fourth of July, January, October and December. Add a bow or try variegated yarn. Let your creativity run wild with this craft, and in the process, make memorable moments with children and grandchildren. Perhaps create the creatures for each other, and every time you look at them, cherish that memory of a fun craft day.

Whatever you choose to create, follow these simple instructions and vary them to fit your style.

Step 1: Gather supplies. 

You need red yarn, 2 googly eyes, 1-2 red chenille sticks, cardboard, red marker, empty toilet paper roll and a hot glue gun or strong craft glue. 

Step 2: Make a pom-pom.

Start with an empty toilet-paper roll and red yarn. Note: Use any smooth cylindrical item to create multiple sizes of pom-poms. A rolling pin, straight glass or bottle, vitamin bottles, etc. provide a base for different sizes. Wrap the yarn loosely around the roll to the desired fluffiness. Carefully slip the yarn from the roll, keeping it in a loop. Using a separate piece of yarn, tie the middle of the yarn together securely.

Next, cut through the loops and use a makeup comb to separate and fluff your pom-pom. Finish by trimming the pom-pom to even out the different lengths. Set aside.

Step 3: Create the feet.

Cut a heart shape from the cardboard, and color it with a red marker. As an alternative, you can use red foam or felt or a pre-cut sturdy heart shape. You might want to use a wooden heart and paint it red.

Step 4: Form the ears.

Using the red chenille sticks, bend into heart shapes and secure them together at the bottom. Leave about 1/4-inch at the bottom, and trim away the excess. Wire cutters or sharp scissors work well for cutting these, but never use Mom’s sewing scissors.

Step 5: Assemble your creature.

While hot glue guns dry immediately, they also can cause burns. Warning: parents should always monitor children closely when using hot glue. A sturdy craft glue works well but requires time to dry after finishing the project.

Glue the ears to the top of the pom-pom and the eyes in the appropriate position. For more fun, make the eyes uneven if desired. Glue the pom-pom to the prepared heart shape with the round part in the front and the point in the back. Let it dry.

Enjoy making and sharing love monsters, and remember, love isn’t only for February. Who wouldn’t enjoy these fun creatures anytime?

Written by Lisa Bell