Funny Business

Vercindy Taylor possesses the uncanny
gift of turning life’s situations into
gut-busting laughter. As a comedian,
she enacts humorous sketches, which
bring amusing characters to life. “I say,
‘God, you know what I need,’ and I try
to picture myself as the character,” she
said with a giggle.
The funny thing about the business
of being funny is that it is serious
business. Likewise, the curious truth
about comedy, as any humorist will tell
you, is it is far more difficult to make
people laugh than to provoke them to
tears. Consequently, beginning with
the ancient Greeks, much research has
been done over the centuries by the
greatest minds to determine why this
inequality exists.
Although the reasons are found in
places we cannot physically measure,
they may be in part because we, as
individuals, more easily identify with
what is tragic, but are more selective
about what we find funny. This may be
what makes the same joke offensive to
one person, but hilarious to another.
While Vercindy may have the gift of
turning human quirkiness into hilarity,
there is also a keen message to her humor.
She uses both stand-up comedy and
complicated sketches with the troupe
Inspiration, Inc. to illustrate and convey
godly principals in a non-offensive way.
As an active member of Rock Bible
Fellowship Church in Ennis, she uses
her comedic talents to make a point.
She does it so well that her pastor,
Everett Gilmore, likened her talent to
the famous gospel comedienne Sister
Cantaloupe, by nicknaming Vercindy
“Sister Watermelon.”
However, there is nothing melon-like
about her shape or size. Vercindy, the wife
of Donald, the mother of two grown
children — four children combined —
and grandmother of one, is slim, trim
and not at all matronly in appearance.
Her high energy level and youthful
look is surely an asset in her focus and
endeavor to keep the younger generation
from the pitfalls that challenged her
own life.
“I understand how daunting life can
be,” Vercindy said as she mentioned
her dedicated, single mother, Georgie
Becks, who reared Vercindy and her three
siblings. She credits her hardworking
mother for making the extra effort to
be at the ballgames and never missing
a meeting for the children. Her uncle,
a minister, also influenced her growing-up
years. Two years before her father died,
an unexpected blessing came when she
and her father started a relationship,
giving her the opportunity to develop
a real father-daughter bond.
Vercindy attended Waxahachie High
School in her senior year and especially
loved her high school theater class,
which included skits and stand-up
comedy. “Through those high school
experiences,” Vercindy stated, “I
discovered that I like to entertain
people and make them laugh.”
Vercindy learned many lessons through
the challenge of being a single parent;
they are lessons she endeavors to impart
to others. “Comedy is a God-given
talent. [The comedy] is about my own
mistakes, my own experiences,” she
said. “God doesn’t make fun of people,
but His Word is like a two-edged
sword, and nobody wants to be offended.
It is a way to make spiritual points in
a way people will not be offended. It
allows me to do it right.” She continued,
“We dress up in our attire, but that’s
not really who we are. I try my best to
be the same inside and out. Not making
any difference in anyone, loving people
for exactly who they are.”
Vercindy looks to the future by
mentoring the younger generations to
be godly now. She believes training
should begin in the womb, by reading
to the yet-to-be born baby. She
recommends following the biblical
principal of “training up a child by
teaching the value of Jesus now and
teaching the value of life now.”
Recently, Vercindy was unexpectedly
laid off from her job. Although she has
been disappointed, she is giving her
faith the chance to grow. “I know I’m
not the only one going through this. I
remember who I am. I am a child of
God, and He reminds me that I know
His Word, and I need to speak His
Word,” she said. “I also know He never
closes a door that he doesn’t open another
one, or even a window.” Even if her
prayer is not answered immediately,
she remains upbeat. “Prayer is not
wasted; it’s like going to a deposit box.
I know He has good things for me and
my gift and He will make room for me.”
Having learned a number of lessons
the hard way, she has a special message
to parents. “God gives chances every day
to wake up: A new day, a new chance,
and many more chances besides.
Raising teenagers requires patience,
but stop compromising. I’ve learned
that if I don’t like it in the beginning,
I know I won’t like it in the end.”
Vercindy is a person with goals and
big dreams. Perhaps her fondest dream
is to meet Tyler Perry, who she admires
both for his comedy and also for his
Christian walk.