Daily Archives: June 29, 2010

Do Not Drink the Water

Those happy days of summer spent splashing in the pool without a care in the world may not be so carefree. The closing of public pools because of contamination brought Recreational Water Illnesses (RWI) to the forefront. RWIs occur when swallowing or having some contact with water that is contaminated with pathogens (germs). These […]

Sounds of Learning

Student-drawn monkeys, tigers and other jungle animals trek across the brightly colored halls of the Mansfield campus of Pantego Christian Academy (PCA), where the sounds of learning echo with what can only be described as fun. Perhaps it is the dedicated teachers, partnered with involved parents, resolved to bringing up children to stand on […]

Board the Pirate Ship

This is not a tale of pirates who sail the seas and steal plunder. This is a story about a Little League team, supported by coaches, families, teachers and neighbors. Only two things are on their list to steal: bases and hearts. “What makes our team unique is that every one of these kids […]

Squared Away and Proud

You can tell something big is going on when you pull into the parking lot next to 23 yellow school buses. Inside there is a kind of orderly movement everywhere in the halls, and a quiet confusion in the gymnasiums and auditoriums of Corsicana High School (CHS). This is the final Junior ROTC drill […]

House Beautiful

This summer, Jackie Pittman is following her cardiologist’s orders and exercising in her beautiful backyard pool. “My grandkids and their granddaddy loved that pool,” Jackie said. “I can still hear their voices say, ‘Granddaddy, one more time,’ and he would pitch ’em into the water!” Stan has not been with Jackie to enjoy that […]

Feeling the Music

Reneé Shreeves was in junior high when she first encountered a girl who was deaf. Instead of shying away like most children would, Reneé embraced her, becoming fascinated with learning about deaf disabilities. She took her first sign language class that year, and has not stopped signing since. Years later, when she was in […]